Enlighten by Cutera

What is a Pico Laser?

The Picosecond Enlighten by Cutera is an innovative laser treatment that improves skin texture, pigmentation, redness, and pore size. It effectively treats pigmentation issues such as melasma, age spots, and pigmented acne scarring. The laser fades, lightens, and removes hyperpigmentation caused by hormonal changes and sun exposure, while also improving skin tone and texture. It is a non-invasive, safe treatment with minimal downtime and few side effects, making it popular in areas like the Gold Coast, Brisbane, and Sydney.

Enlighten Treatments

Pico Genesis

Looking for a non-invasive treatment that provides deep collagen remodeling? Pico Genesis by Cutera could be the solution you've been waiting for. This cutting-edge treatment uses Picosecond photoacoustic waves to target the dermal layers, effectively treating pigmentation, melasma, scarring, solar lentigines, and more. Compared to traditional lasers and IPL, Pico Genesis offers faster results, minimal adverse reactions, and zero downtime. With noticeable improvements after just one session, it's important to consult with your clinician for a comprehensive evaluation.

Pico Genesis

  • To ensure that your laser treatment goes smoothly, it is essential to take the necessary precautions beforehand. Here are some key points to keep in mind:

    Avoid excessive sun exposure four weeks prior to your appointment

    Refrain from using fake tan or gradual tanner

    Consult your clinician if you are taking a Melanotan injection

    Stay away from waxing, chemical peels, injectables, or abrasive treatments for two weeks before your appointment

    If you are taking or receiving new medication, check with your clinician as some medications can be light-sensitive.

  • Your clinician Krystal with undertake a thorough consultation to ensure the treatment is suitable and no contraindications are present. Your skin will be clean and prepared for your Pico genesis treatment. A slight warming sensation can be felt through your treatment but is completely comfortable. Once completed LED will be applied to your skin to further enhance your result post-treatment.

  • Tips for Post Pico Genesis Treatment

    Here are some helpful tips to keep in mind after your Pico Genesis treatment:

    Protect the treated area from the sun and use an SPF of 30+ or higher to avoid unprotected sun exposure.

    Pigmentation may darken post-treatment, but it will fall off within a week. On day 7, you can gently exfoliate the area to help with texture and excess pigmentation.

    If you experience a histamine response, don't worry, this is normal and will resolve on its own. You can take an antihistamine to alleviate any discomfort.

    To minimize irritation, avoid all active ingredients such as retinol, vitamin C, glycolic acid, lactic acid, and salicylic for seven days after treatment.

Pico Genesis Before & After

Pico Tattoo Removal

This image to the left perfectly sums up how Pico lasers differentiate from Q-switch machines when it comes to tattoo removal. The Enlighten by Cutera is taking the world by storm in the advancement of laser technology and we have it here now in our beautiful Northern Rivers hub of Lismore.

The Enlighten laser uses non-thermal, photo-acoustic wavelengths to break up ink particles to be engulfed by the body’s immune system and excreted via our lymphatic pathway. Using no thermal, photoacoustic technology allows the ink particles to be broken down into smaller particles compared to traditional lasers like Q-switch. This reduces the treatment required and also makes the treatment a little more comfortable.

Enlighten Tattoo Removal Before & After

Enlighten Q&A

  • Laser treatments are not suitable for pregnant women, clients on light-sensitising medication, Immunocompromised clients, clients suffering from diabetes, and Any advanced skin treatments on the area to be treated with laser including injectables.

  • Q- switch lasers are easily accessible and have been around for decades however Pico Lasers like the Cutera Enlighten, are state-of-the-art equipment used in laser dermatologist clinics. They remove tattoos and pigment in fewer treatments with minimal risk of scarring. The two technologies can not be compared as they are simply not the same.

  • Results depend on a number of factors including skin prep, Skin care being used pre-treatment and post-treatment, Treatments performed and how strict pre and post-care are being abided by. With all that being said in conjunction with the above, results can be seen after 1 -2 sessions for skin rejuvenation and 12 weeks post-tattoo removal session.

Contact us.


7 Eleanor Place
Boat Harbour/Mclean Ridges, NSW 2480