Laser Tattoo Removal

The Northern Rivers only Picosecond and Nanosecond laser tattoo removal specialists.

Laser Tattoo Removal

Gone are the days of living with tattoo regret. Skin Envy Aesthetics is the only provider of Pico and Nanosecond lasers between Coolangatta and the Central Coast. We are the leaders in laser technology in Northern New South Wales and pride ourselves in using the only most advanced technology on the market.

Tattoo Removal Explained.

When receiving a tattoo, a machine repetitively creates micro holes to insert ink to create an art canvas Unfortunately our bodies see this new fresh ink as a foreign body. In order to protect themselves from the ink, our bodies actually generate an immune response and our immune cells trap the ink in the dermis of the skin. This process is important as the tattoo would not stay permanently on the skin and would be broken down by the body’s immune system.

When initiating the tattoo removal process, we rely heavily on our immune cells and lymphatic system to help remove the tiny ink particles that have been shattered by the laser. Tattoo removal Laser such as Q-switched and Picosecond shatter the ink particles that are visible in the skin so the body can easily remove them and excrete them by sweat, urine or crying.

Tattoo Removal Process.

As you can see, ink particles are often quite large to avoid consumption by the body and immune system. Laser Tattoo Removal uses wavelengths to shatter the ink particles into smaller pieces. Think of a jackhammer working on a large boulder, it’s the same concept. Once shattered, the immune cell is able to break down and remove the shattered ink to its closest lymphatic node for complete removal via the lymphatic system. This process occurs over a number of weeks (6-12) depending on the location of the tattoo, the age, the type of ink used and so much more.

Skin Envy Aesthetics is the Northern Rivers only Qld Health and Radiation licensed Laser clinic.

Safety is our No 1 priority

Our Clinician and owner Krystal has been laser licensed with QLD Health & Radiology for almost 10 years. Working alongside medical practitioners her skill and ability to treat tattoos and laser knowledge has not been seen before. Investing in state-of-the-art technology, Krystal is the only Picosecond laser clinic between Coolangatta and the Central Coast. Have a tattoo you want to be removed and looking for the best results?

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What is the difference between Q-switch and Pico Lasers?

Tattoo removal is a complicated process at the best of times. Technology is always evolving and newer devices are always available. Unfortunately for the rural location, we are limited to services provided and new-age technology. Skin Envy Aesthetics’ goal is to provide you with the best service using the latest technology to ensure the best for all our clients. These days most laser providers use Q-switch lasers and there’s nothing wrong with that however, newer technology like Picosecond is available. At Skin Envy Aesthetics we believe in a multiple-system approach.

Q-switch laser technology creates high-intensity energy utilising photothermal reactions. Q-switch lasers are classed as Nanosecond lasers, using concentrated ultra-short powerful pluses that use peak energy at 1 billionth of a second. This allows the laser to shatter pigment & tattoo ink while still preserving surrounding tissue. Q-switch technology was founded in the late 60s and has been the only safest method of tattoo removal until picosecond technology came onto the market in recent years.

Picosecond lasers like the Enlighten Laser from Cutera, are the latest technology in tattoo removal, pigment & skin rejuvenation. Pico lasers have the ability to produce energy at one trillionth of a second, compared to Q-switch which is one billionth. The Enlighten Picosecond laser from Cutera is world-class technology that is safe on all types of ink and skin types. Previously with Q-switch only skin type III (tanned, caucasian skin) could be treated with tattoo removal due to the risk of adverse such as hyper & hypo pigmentation.

Lismore Picosecond laser tattoo removal

Q-switch vs Pico Lasers?

This image perfectly demonstrates the difference between both treatment options.

  • Q-switch shatters the ink particles into rocks and can take longer to heal post-treatment. These are some of the disadvantages of the Q-switch however it is still a great treatment modality and can be used in conjunction with Picosecond lasers.

  • The Picosecond Enlighten machine shatters the ink into pebbles size which is quite small compared to Q-switch lasers. This gives the body the ability to remove more ink from just 1 session and reduce recovery time

Contact us.

7 Eleanor Place
Boat Harbour/Mclean Ridges, NSW 2480