Q Switch Laser

What is a Q-switch Laser?

Q- switch lasers are used for tattoo removal, some pigment removal and laser facials. It is known for its laser facials including carbon facials, Hollywood facials or china doll facials, however, most clinics primarily use it for its tattoo removal capabilities using a short burst of high energy to shatter your ink into smaller particles to allow the body to break down.

Laser Facials

The Q-switch laser facial has been around for a while now. Extremely safe for all skin types, Treatment intervals can be 2 weeks apart due to their non-invasive nature. Perfect for all things pores, breakouts, acne, superficial pigment and light rejuvenation.

Laser facials work by simultaneously bulk-heating the dermal layer of the skin for collagen synthesis with the application of carbon particles. This allows the laser to obliterate every single fold, pore or crease of the skin for a more targeted effect from the treatment. This is perfect for those congested skin with deep grey to black spots that will not reduce.

A course of 6 - 12 sessions is typically required for best results and treating concerns.

Q- Switch Tattoo Removal

Q switch is still one of the longest-standing methods of tattoo removal. Using ultra-short bursts of energy, the ink particles are shattered into smaller particles, so the body’s defence mechanism is able to digest the ink and excrete them via the lymphatic pathways. Depending on the location, age and health of the individual, Tattoo removal with a Q-switch can require up to 10-12 sessions compared to the modern-day pico laser which halved the treatment time.

All tattoo treatments performed at Skin Envy Aesthetics go under thorough consultation to ensure the right technology, treatment allowance and patient outcome are successfully achieved.

Laser Tattoo Removal

Gone are the days of living with tattoo regret. Skin Envy Aesthetics is the only provider of Pico and Nanosecond lasers between Coolangatta and the Central Coast. We are the leaders in laser technology in Northern New South Wales and pride ourselves in using the only most advanced technology on the market.

Tattoo Removal Explained.

When receiving a tattoo, a machine repetitively creates micro holes to insert ink to create an art canvas Unfortunately our bodies see this new fresh ink as a foreign body. In order to protect themselves from the ink, our bodies actually generate an immune response and our immune cells trap the ink in the dermis of the skin. This process is important as the tattoo would not stay permanently on the skin and would be broken down by the body’s immune system.

When initiating the tattoo removal process, we rely heavily on our immune cells and lymphatic system to help remove the tiny ink particles that have been shattered by the laser. Tattoo removal Laser such as Q-switched and Picosecond shatter the ink particles that are visible in the skin so the body can easily remove them and excrete them by sweat, urine or crying.

Skin Envy Aesthetics is the Northern Rivers only Qld Health and Radiation licensed Laser clinic.

Safety is our No 1 priority

Our Clinician and owner Krystal has been laser licensed with QLD Health & Radiology for almost 10 years. Working alongside medical practitioners her skill and ability to treat tattoos and laser knowledge has not been seen before. Investing in state-of-the-art technology, Krystal is the only Picosecond laser clinic between Coolangatta and the Central Coast. Have a tattoo you want to be removed and looking for the best results?

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Q-Switch Laser Q&A

  • Tattoo removal procedures can have slight discomfort throughout the treatment. The feeling can be similar to that of a hot flicking rubber band. However, at Skin Envy Aesthetics, we will help with minimising the discomfort as much as possible

  • Required treatments for tattoo removal are individualised to each tattoo and client. Many factors are involved including scaring, age, location, whether or not a tattoo has been tattoo covered, and type of ink used to name a few. As a rule of thumb, 10-12 sessions with Q-switch is a rough guideline however your clinician Krystal will need to assess in person for the best result.

  • In most tattoo removal cases, yes. However, contributing factors play a role in preventing complete removal. If this is the case with you, your clinician Krystal will advise of this during your consultation, along with answering any concerns you may have about the process.

  • With our extensive 10 years of experience with tattoo removal, the treatment itself will not scar you in the hands of an experienced clinician like Krystal. However, if scarring is present at the time of consultation that is a great indication that the tattoo itself has scarred slightly under the tattoo.

    During your initial consult, Krystal will assess the area and advise on your tattoo removal journey.