Laser Vein Removal

Laser Vein Removal

Veins and vascular concerns appear over time. Most commonly found on the face, chest & legs, they can appear at any stage in life. Some common causes for veins especially Telangiectasias include rosacea, sun exposure, overuse of steroid cream, trauma to an area, genetics, ageing, lifestyle, pregnancy, weight gain/loss and medications. Telangiectasias are fine red/blue vessels that develop mainly on the face, mucous membranes, and whites of the eyes. Usually, they do not cause symptoms.

What is Laser Vein Removal?

At Skin Envy Aesthetics we use a combination of treatment modalities to reduce the severity of vascular concerns. Laser is mainly used to treat veins and vascular conditions in a majority of skin types. We use a 980 nm Diode Laser and 590nm IPL to help reduce these severities however, due to the nature of vessels, over time they can reoccur. A series of treatments are required to remove any vessels as long as they are flat and not bulging.

The Skin Envy Approach

Your Dermal Clinician Krystal has had close to 10 years of experience removing vessels alongside medical practitioners and has learnt from some of the country’s leading industry leaders to ensure your results, safety is in the best of care.

What are the benefits of Laser Vein Removal?

Laser Vein Removal can remove pesky vessels in a matter of 1-3 sessions. It’s quick, easy and one of the safest ways to remove vessels.

  • Remove single capillaries around the nose area.

  • Remove Cherry Angiomas.

  • Reduce the severity of diffuse redness and Rosacea.

Laser Vein Removal Q&A

  • Laser treatment for vessels can become slightly uncomfortable due to the nature of coagulating the tissue under the surface to stop blood from running through the superficial vessels. Cooling is applied throughout the treatment for the client's comfort

  • Most vessels will shrink, darken or disappear completely. Darken Vessels will remain for up to 2 weeks post-treatment as they are broken down by the body’s lymphatic system. Post-treatment the area can be sensitive and inflamed with mild swelling present. This will resolve 24-48 post-treatment.

  • A recommend 4 – 6 weeks between treatments with a series of 3 or more sessions required depending on the severity of it. If you are genetically prone to vessels you may require ongoing treatments to maintain new vessels appearing.

  • Vein Removal is only mildly uncomfortable with the treatment performed. Unfortunately due to the nature of this treatment, no numbing can be applied before your appointment.